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First Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund

The congregation's mission may be distilled into the succinct statement: "Transforming love lived out."  The Endowment Fund of the First Presbyterian Church enables the congregation to keep its vision future-focused and to dream, plan, and implement initiatives that share such transforming love through relationship-building, outreach, care for neighbors in need, worship, education, and ministries of generosity, justice, and hospitality. 

Restricting income from the Endowment to ministries apart from general operating expenses ensures a forward-thinking perspective and provides opportunities to consider how future generations might benefit from one's generosity in giving today.  Additionally, this Fund provides opportunities for estate gifts in memory of loved ones to be gifts that continue in perpetuity.

We are grateful for (and humbled by) the spirit of generosity in this community.  And we aim to put such generous gifts to faithful use, all to the glory of God through Jesus Christ!

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