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Jim Gordon

2000 - 2003 Board President

Jim Gordon

We had the immense pleasure of speaking with Jim Gordon, a trailblazer in the field of community philanthropy. The founding story of the GMCF is one that resonates with a deep sense of community and purpose. It began with a group of individuals who shared a common vision: to ensure that the charitable donations of Manhattan's residents stayed within the local community. They recognized the potential of a community foundation to provide sustainable support for local initiatives and nonprofits. Gordon, alongside other founding members, navigated through the early challenges with a focus on maintaining low administrative costs, thereby maximizing the impact of each donation.

  • Founded GMCF alongside Jim Morrison and Mark Knackendoffel.
  • Kansas Health Foundation's GROW initiative aimed to keep 5% of wealth transfer in Kansas. Phase 1 offering a total of $300,000 in challenge grants. 
  • Welcomed Dover Community Foundation as the first affiliate. 

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